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Field course

Field Botany Course -- Plant Identification and Transect Methods

Booking and questions:


Nyungwe National Park


Dr Paul Fine & Dr. Sandrine Uwase


We will visit Nyungwe National Park and work in tropical montane forest. We will teach students how to identify the common plant families, genera, and species of the area, how to collect and preserve plant specimens, and how to set up vegetation transects to answer different types of ecological questions. This course will be co-taught by Paul Fine (University and Jepson Herbarium (UC) University of California, Berkeley), Emmanuel Chukwuma, Forest Herbarium, Ibadan (FHI) and Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria) Henry Ndangalasi (Botany, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

and Aimee Sandrine Uwase (National Herbarium of Rwanda). All of the instructors have experience in tropical field botany and are excited to share what we know with each other and the students!

Cost and conditions:

The course is free for African students

Costs not covered:


Minimum number of participants:


Maximum number of participants:


We will depart Kigali very early on Friday July 12th, stay overnight for 2 nights in Nyungwe National Park and return on Sunday, July 14th in time for the opening of the ATBC conference.

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