Introducing Bioacoustics as a Conservation Tool
• Tuesday, July 16th, 14:00 - 16:00 hrs

Fran Tattersall
This workshop explores how bioacoustics can be used as a survey and monitoring tool for conservation research.
Technological advances are making wildlife sound recorders an increasingly cost-effective addition to the conservationist’s toolkit. This workshop explores how bioacoustics can be used as a survey and monitoring tool for conservation research. Using plenty of case studies, we will cover properties of sound, deployment methods, best-practices, and data analysis methods. Participants will have an opportunity to handle, discuss and compare some of the latest bioacoustic recorders for bats, birds, frogs and other vocal wildlife. Finally, we will use the free Kaleidoscope Lite sound analysis tool to explore how to visualise and play back sound, identify species and extract data for statistical analysis. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own laptops if they wish to ‘play along’ with the session, and to download Kaleidoscope Lite in advance (https://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/products/kaleidoscope/kaleidoscope-lite).